The Many Cures of Breastmilk

Over the past few months I have not only witnessed the many health benefits of breastfeeding I have learned just how powerful it is.

Breast Milk truly cures all.

I have been told by other experienced and wise mothers that we have been blessed with a calm, easy going and peaceful baby. In public he really is a very quiet, laid back roll with the punches kind of baby. And I sit back like any proud mom say … ‘Yup, that’s my boy.’

However, we eventually return home and things … change.

All of a sudden he becomes very, how you say, needy. We carefully asses each situation … looking to see what his particular needs are and if our normal responses don’t work … breast milk is the cure.

Hurt his hand … Breast milk and he’s fine.

Super tired … Breast milk and he’s fine.

Fell of the couch  … Breast milk and he’s fine. (only happened once and there were pillows on the floor, he was just in shock).

Board … Breast milk and he’s fine.

Trying to crawl and just not getting it yet … Breast milk and he’s fine.

Can’t fit the TV remote into his mouth and he feels defeated  … Breast milk and he’s fine.

You name it … Breast milk and he’s fine.

I must say that it really makes me feel loved, needed and appreciated. I am going to be so sad the day that he decides he no longer needs my breast milk to heal his aliments.